Opening Hours
Phone: 1300 769 247
Monday to Friday: 09am to 5pm
Address: Unit 11, 76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads, 4220 QLD
The Boardroom at Fleks has been designed and fitted out to convey a sense of professionalism and comfort.
There is a large table and seating for 10 people. Additionally, there is a lectern, a 65" smart TV with HDMI and chromecast, a large whiteboard, and an area for serving refreshments & catering or displaying products/ materials.
It is a great space not only for meetings but also for conducting workshops, filming/ photography, interviews, training sessions, and teamwork days.
There is a reception area directly outside the boardroom which functions as a waiting room or breakout space.
The Boardroom can be booked for the day or hourly either as a member or a casual visitor.