Opening Hours
Phone: 1300 769 247
Monday to Friday: 09am to 5pm
Address: Unit 11, 76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads, 4220 QLD
Having a private office at Fleks offers some great benefits:
Flexibility: There are no lock-in contracts and you have the ability to expand or downsize your workspace as your business needs change.
Cost-effectiveness: Our offices come fully equipped with furniture, utilities, and amenities.
Community: Be a part of a built-in community of like-minded individuals and businesses, creating opportunities for networking and collaboration.
Professional image: With access to shared amenities like a meeting room, boardroom, and office manager at reception you will be putting your best foot forward with clients and partners, and colleagues.
Convenience: We take care of all the details like cleaning, stocking the kitchen, and servicing the printer/ office equipment. This leaves you free to focus on running your business.​

24/7 Access
FREE Printing
FREE On-Site Parking
Fully Furnished to Suit your Team*
Member discount on Meeting Room & Boardroom Bookings
Fleks Member Directory Listing (Online & In-house)
Espresso Coffee/ Assortment of Teas
Kitchenette Facilities- fridge & microwave
One-month Notice Period